Wednesday, January 7, 2009

today i am more healed and whole than i was yesterday.

the last 12 hours of my life have been filled to the brim with kindness and tender care and concern and overwhelming love for and from the people closest to me. A wonderful talk with a wonderful man last night slipped into deep slumber which was awakened by a roommate's gentle hand on my shoulder waking me up for prayer. We didn't want to stop praying. Man God meets us in those morning hours. It's crazy beautiful. My soul yearns for it. We picked another roommate up on the way to viento where i was reminded for the thousandth time that i live with and around some incredible people. who love whole-heartedly and actively work to become better people...not for pride's sake or prestige or admiration...but because love is our goal. love and not fear. love and not pain. love and not apathy, not greed, not complaint, just love. love that heals and grows and stretches and forgives and asks and receives and offers and nurtures and creates. Thanks God. I'm grateful beyond what words can express.

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