Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Shower in Long Beach

My amazing college girlfriends threw me another shower here in Long Beach. Kristin and Morgan planned from afar (Seattle and West Hollywood respectively) along with the amazing Debbie Namain, who opened her home to 17 or so of my favorite women here in Cali.

We had fun with the giant chalkboard Debbies kids use to express their creative selves, played some super original games, and ate some AMAZING food. My favorite game was one where all the guests wrote down answers to questions and I had to guess who wrote the answer. Some examples:
Q: What is one thing the baby will do that will terrify Chelle?
A: "Eat meat while shooting guns."

Q: What is one thing Tim will do that will annoy Chelle?
A: "Film the baby's temper-tantrums instead of helping out"
A: "Only buy squeejay white V-necks"

Q: What is something baby Squeejay will do that will make Chelle proud?
A: "Plant his first plant/garden"
A: "love others well. be generous. recycle."

Here are some photos of the day. It was awesome.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Showered with love

Hi! What do you do when you wake up at 4:30am, an hour before your alarm goes off, and you're starving and you're mind is spinning with what you have to do today?? You blog of course! :)

So Tim and I have been soooo blessed by the generosity of friends and family at 3 different baby showers! We have inherited SO many hand me down items as well from Tim's buddies and their wives growing up and recently a friend at church just gave me about 15 fuzzi buns among other things! (If you're a hippy-greeny type mom your jaw just dropped...I KNOW!)

Our first shower was in Oklahoma and I had NO idea it was happening. We scheduled a trip in August before I had to head back to work for the school year.
On Saturday, Tim and I went to lunch with my second family out there and were all geared up for a day in Guthrie Oklahoma with Christi, Joe and Elle on our way back from lunch. But when Valerie and Maris pulled into my sister's driveway we saw a woman and a small boy running into her house! Me, being a brat sometimes, thought immediately..."what? she invited friends? I just wanted to have family time..." And then we saw the blue balloons blowing around on the lamppost in her yard and it sunk was a surprise shower! I suddenly realized why my sister was so adamant that I borrow a pretty blue dress to wear to lunch instead of my jeans and t-shirt!
I started crying immediately. All of my favorite Oklahoma women were there, some from over an hr drive away. It was really really special.

Here are some photos....of me crying (happy tears), of this awesome OKC firefighter shirt his Great Uncle Chris bought him!, and of some really amazing women. Thanks for giving us such a wonderful gift of love sister. (and mom and aunt becky and gramma too) :)

More to come later on other's now time to get ready for the work day, and it's FRIDAY! :)