Thursday, February 24, 2011

being sick=slow down

So I've got this awesome track record of getting sick on 3 day weekends since I started this new school job. Fortunately?? this time I'm sick into the I've got some time off of work instead of just no weekend. Unfortunately, no one does my work while I'm just grows and waits for me. So my fabulous husband drove me to my office this morning, as my head was too much of a balloon to trust my driving skills, and I got my laptop and a pile of files and I'm workin from home. Right now I'm on a break. :)

In other, much more serious news, I miss my family so much right now. My gramma just underwent a heart procedure and has encountered a few complications along the way. She's stable now and called this morning to update me, but I hate being 2 thousand miles from her at times like this. My niece is growing up faster than I can imagine and I'm missing all the important things like first steps and first words. Basically, I wish we all lived closer. This isn't a new dilemma or an easy one. But Tim and I have started thinking about options. Until now we've just vowed to make a large financial commitment to see them a few times every year. That alone isn't easy, but allows us to remain in our church/friend community here in Long Beach and keep our jobs, which we both love. But we also wonder if waiting is just postponing the inevitable...

No easy decisions to make. We'll keep praying for wisdom for now.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

sometimes silly things just hit you in a way that seems really profound

like when a kid on my caseload points for the first time, or says "Go", or waves and says hi without any help. It makes me want to jump up and down and cry tears of joy.

or when you go get coffee at the place on the corner in front of our new apartment and the sweet little owner lady is so happy to see a new face and when you leave says "see you tomorrow!"

or i get to sit at a table in a dining room with my husband for a meal and then go to ANOTHER room to watch one of our favorite show (parks and rec) on hulu before bed.

or you realize that you're doing a good job at your job and that your boss is happy about what you're doing and is somewhat impressed. (i can be insecure sometimes)

or you spend your last night cleaning your old place drinking beer and getting into a passionate conversation about politics, the economy and social norms with your landlord...who distracts you from cleaning until 10:30 pm and ends up on his hands and knees scrubbing floors with you.

Just little things that mean a lot.